Getting started — Partner Setup

Partner API ID

Waymark will provide a partner API ID for you to use to identify your application. This ID is used when intiializing both the Waymark Plugin and the Light Plugin.

Webhook Endpoints

To use the Waymark Plugin with webhooks, you will need to set up both a webhook endpoint, one for production and one for testing, and a shared secret that will be used to sign webhook events that Waymark sends to your application.

Shared Secret

To use the Waymark Plugin with JWT auth mode, you will need to set up a shared secret that will be used to sign account management SDK calls.

Domain Restrictions

By default the Waymark Plugin will restrict the embedding page to a list of allowed domains to prevent your partner API ID from being used on other sites. Until Waymark configures your desired restrictions, only connections from localhost will be allowed.

If your ID is used on a site that does not match, the Waymark application will not open and an error of Forbidden (403) will be returned to the browser instead.


Waymark can turn off domain restrictions but they are recommended for most use cases, as they will prevent other sites from using your partner ID and your company being billed for videos created on the other sites.

Domain restrictions may be configured as either exact domain matches or all subdomains of a domain, eg.:

Additionally, Waymark can configure different domain restrictions for production and testing environments.

Local Development

Due to the domain restrictions, you won't be able to test your application by opening an HTML file on your local machine as the browser will not pass localhost as the referring domain. You will need to serve the HTML from a local development HTTP server via localhost.